Ironman Colored
Hey guys. Ya’ll may remember this piece from awhile back. Some practice from me, learning how to color and ink in Adobe Illustrator CS4 instead of using Photoshop. The reasoning behind this is because everything done in AI is vector art which is great for print. Hope you guys like it, let me know whatcha think! I took the clouds out, didn’t think they fit very well with this. May add a background later.
Hulk vs Psylocke Update!
Been a lil’ while, been super busy with work. But here’s a Hulk vs Psylocke update for you guys!! I finally feel like I’m done with the characters. Thinking background, but I may leave it like this. Not certain at this point. Enjoy!
Hulk vs Psylocke Wip
Quick wip a Hulk vs Psylocke piece I’ve been wanting to do. Sketched on 5.5 x 8.5 sketch pad. I’m thinking this will be a 2 page spread on 11 x 14 bristol.